In 2012, during the first season of the popular television series Girls, show creator and Robyn super-fan Lena Dunham featured ‘Dancing On My Own‘ in a crucial point in the story line. The song placement re-ignited interest in the track which had been released two years earlier. In late 2016, Lena contacted Robyn and asked if
Read MoreThere is Robyn, a microphone stand and a landscape she describes as “a dreamy place, somewhere undefined, somewhere in my unconsciousness”, as she revels in the power of sensuality, self-care and human touch.
#releasehoneydamnit indeed! — and FINALLY, Robyn has – in a way. Following a play as Annie Mac’s Hottest Record on BBC Radio One, the nearly-mythical title track from her forthcoming album, out
In 2012, during the first season of the popular television series Girls, show creator and Robyn super-fan Lena Dunham featured ‘Dancing On My Own‘ in a crucial point in the story line. The song placement re-ignited interest in
One of the most highly-anticipated songs of 2018, ‘Missing U’ was recorded and written in Paris and Stockholm, and saw Robyn team up Joseph Mount(Metronomy) and long-time collaborator Klas Åhlund (Robyn, Charli XCX, Madonna) to write
Robyn & La Bagatelle Magique – ‘Love Is Free’ feat. Maluca (Photo credit: Alessio Bolozoni - High Res Download) Robyn & La Bagatelle Magique – comprised of Robyn, Markus Jägerstedt, and the