CHAD TEPPER scores big in new music video 'Outta My League' | THE LABEL
Chad Tepper by Mark Adriane

CHAD TEPPER scores big in new music video ‘Outta My League’

2 mins read

Behind the grungy gravel of his vocals and all the tattoos, Chad Tepper conveys a sweetness and authenticity that make him a one-of-a-kind rocker.” – MTV News

Tepper is an entertainer, a charmer and a flag-bearer for the pop-punk revival.” – Buzzbands LA

Navigating life with his heart on his sleeve, charismatic pop-rocker Chad Tepper is never afraid to be vulnerable. In celebration of his recent engagement, today he shares a new music video for his song ‘Outta My League,’ produced and co-written by Keith Varon (MGK, jxdn, chloe moriondo). Written about his new fiancé, the alt-rock track is accompanied by a lyric video featuring self-shot footage of himself and his future wife basking in love’s glow on a desert road trip.

Tepper channels feelings of bliss infused with emotionally charged lyrics full of self-deprecating coping mechanisms to mask his insecurities. He explains, “The song is about when you meet someone and start dating them, but they are obviously way better than you are. They’ve got the whole package – looks, brains, etc., and you don’t understand why they even like you.” Check out the video below!

Chad continues, “I think that when you find “the one” you should feel this way. You should feel like they are amazing and out of your league. People ask, “How did you know they were the one?”…well this is how I knew.”

Since hitting the studio for the first time four years ago, the charismatic singer is proving to be our generation’s next authentic rock star. The effortless grunge quality of his voice, combined with an all or nothing mindset and flair for storytelling, finds him equipped with the tools he needs for a fruitful career. Recent song, ‘I Wanna Be Your High’ secured a Top 40 spot on the US Alternative Radio charts, boosting his reach to 30 Million catalog streams to date and 4 Million followers across socials. His talents have been recognized by industry majors such as Apple 1, Spotify, Lyrical Lemonade, KROQ and MTV News among others.

For more information on Chad Tepper, visit:


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