Commentary, Video: Deerhunter smack me up the side of my head! | THE LABEL

Commentary, Video: Deerhunter smack me up the side of my head!

1 min read

Deerhunter, whose album has just landed in New Zealand – out on Monday Sep 27! – have just whacked me in the head.
Like many female music lovers I know (not all FML’s do this – I just know a few in my circle) when I first hear a song I tend to focus on the melody, the sway, the mood of it…. and then come round to the lyrics and the story down the track of familiarity. Sometimes revealing quite a different tone to the original perception which can be a real surprise…
So for the last week I’ve been floating on the clouds of the gorgeous song ‘Helicopter’ by Deerhunter. Dreamy, swaying and swirling as it is..and the lyrics simple and sung in Bradford’s silken tone all was feeling good.
Then I was fossiking about their website for gems for you and read this…
The Story Of Helicopter

and yeah… well…THWACK.
ok. Reeling.

Oh and you can click through to watch the video that Bradford devised too….

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