Photo Credit : Karen Ishiguro
Daffodils are one of those bands that everyone thinks they discovered first. Their debut EP, Boys, dropped in 2019 bc (before covid) and the future was bright. New Zealand’s best kept secret. Since the release of that EP it’s fair to say the world as we know it has dramatically and fundamentally changed.
Nonetheless there are certain themes that remain. Amongst the anxiety and uncertainty we all face, heartbreak and love lost have remained reliable truths. It is here, with final drinks being called on 2021, that Daffodils return and are excited to announce their first new song since 2019, ‘House Across The Street’ out today, Thursday, 11 November 2021.
Written during the early part of 2021, Daffodils’ front person, Theo Spike Salmon penned ‘House Across The Street’ in his Grey Lynn flat bedroom. The track was finally recorded in June when the band could get together at The Lab Studios with Jol Mulholland on engineering and co-production duties with the band.
The result is an infectious, retro-tinged post-punk pop track with whammy bar guitar signalling the entry for the propulsive heartbeat of drums and bass before the instrumental almost-happy chorus melody ushers in Salmon’s distinctive calm baritone vocals.
“Wake up to emptiness
My bed, my head
The room across the hall
I call you just to say
“I’m sorry, I’ve not been myself today”
Salmon says of the process, “I originally wrote ‘House Across the Street’ as a song to help me work on my understanding of how difficult it is to come to terms with people moving on, and being so close to them but so far away at the same time”.
Daffodils are currently putting the finishing touches on EP #2. The band are looking forward to hitting the road over the southern hemisphere summer months with festival and tour dates including Le Currents, the Marlins Dreaming tour, The Others Way Festival and more to be announced.
Daffodils Summer Dates Announced
Le Currents – 28 Dec, Riverside Park, Taup?
The Others Way Festival – Sat, 29 Jan – Karangahape Rd, Auckland
Marlins Dreaming Tour – 19 Feb, Powerstation, Auckland
Marlins Dreaming Tour – 18 Mar, Lacuna, Wellington
Stay connected with Daffodils:
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