GUERRE - Debut album Ex Nihilo | THE LABEL

GUERRE – Debut album Ex Nihilo

4 mins read

“Intoxicating Vulnerability” revealed on debut album by 23yr old electronic producer – GUERRE 


Praise for Guerre & Ex Nihilo

“It’s hard not to listen to this over and over again. It’s uniquely hypnotic.” – Richard Kingsmill, triple j

“Life may be short but this record will be appreciated by musicologists and dilettantes long after I go back to being dust.” – Herald Sun, ????

“Lee’s programming is less the architecture of dancefloor jams, more its crumbling remains; abandoned structures to be haunted by his airy, eerie singing.”The Age, ????

 Canadian born, Sydney based solo producer Lavurn Lee aka. Guerre (pron. Gair) has just released his debut album Ex Nihilo  (pron. ex nee hee lo) via Sydney based label Yes Please. New Zealand fans came to know his music from performances at the tastemaker festival Camp A Low Hum in Wainuiaomata that festival director Ian Blink describes as “unforgettable slices of genius”.

Guerre first began making music after moving to Sydney in 2010 for his Fine Arts studies and finding himself with a lot of extra time, being new to the big smoke of Sydney and not knowing anybody. This album being his first aptly titled Ex Nihilo, which in Latin translates to “out of nothing’.

First single ‘Deatheat’ was premiered via US blog XLR8R  who described  the track as “a tranquilizing blend of delicate textures that appear as moving as they are fragile… the intimate cut establishes a  hazy  atmosphere,  sucking  listeners  into  a  vacuum  of  lush,  ambient  sonics  throughout  its opaque course.”

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On the other side of the Atlantic, UK based The Line Of Best Fit premiered second offering ‘Tuk’ describing the song as Filtering spoken word inaudibles through shadowy rhythms and rippling bass, “Tuk” evokes an intoxicating vulnerability.  One that  requires  you  do  nothing  more  than  let  the  chanting  percussion  and reclusive harmonies take you over completely. Expect much more to come from this thought- provoking young artist.”

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Ex  Nihilo was  recorded  over  the  course  of a year  in  Lee’s  garage  with  a laptop  and  some production  help  from Marcus  Whale (Collarbones).  Of the  record 23 year old Lee’s  says, “It was  a pretty personal pursuit, the songs had a lot of time on their own. I would make the tiniest changes over a prolonged period, so in a way it feels like it came out of nothing. My older stuff was so much more emotional, personal and sentimental, whereas the new album is much more disconnected from that. It was an opportunity to see what type of music I could make if I ‘removed’ a level of myself. I started making ‘dance’ music, because of the environment that I had surrounded myself in, both socially and sonically. In this album there’s a new way of thinking about expressing in rhythmic value  more  so  than  melodic  or  structural  value… it’s  some  kids  fucked  up  way  of making emotional rhythm based music.”

This uniquely hypnotic album will have you baying for more…

Check it out on iTunes at this link:

GUERRE – Ex Nihilo is out now on iTunes via Yes Please / Remote Control

GUERRE – Ex Nihilo (pron. ex nee hee lo)EXNIHILO cover WEB

1. Primea

2. Premier

3. Deatheat

4. Silo

5. Tuk

6. Ribs Aut

7. Mukatse (Tunning)

8. Kone / Bone

9. Adophilia

10. Croon

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