Hello Forever share 'I'm Feeling It' + video | THE LABEL

Hello Forever share ‘I’m Feeling It’ + video

3 mins read

‘Whatever It Is’ Album smart URL: https://helloforever.ffm.to/whatever 

‘I’m Feeling It’ Single smart URL: https://helloforever.ffm.to/feeling 

Rough Trade Records are excited to share a new single + video (directed by Sam Joseph) from the forthcoming debut album ‘Whatever It Is’ by Californian group Hello Forever, check out ‘I’m Feeling It’ here now.  

Frontman Sam Joseph explains a little about the song, “Songs have a way of writing themselves. ‘I’m feeling it’ came out all at once in a moment when I was unhinged and disconnected — it lifted me up out of that trance and reminded me of what’s underneath. It’s an anthem for experiences like the one I had writing it – catching that little twinkle of the good that’s connecting everything when it shines through the confusion and the mystery, and letting that twinkle be a whole truth in itself even though it’s only a tiny piece. It was a joy recording this song at home in Topanga with Danny Parra and the rest of the group.” 

Based in Topanga, California, on a piece of land once used by a free-love nudist commune, the art-pop collective ‘Hello Forever’ are led by the eccentric, magnetic figure of Samuel Joseph. They live together, in this pastoral setting high above the Pacific Ocean – not far from where Neil Young recorded After the Gold Rush or Captain Beefheart laid down the tracks for Trout Mask Replica, the group forever expanding and contracting, with members coming and going as they please. However, the group adheres to a stringent five day a week rehearsal schedule, they fuse elements of the 60s West Coast sound with a DIY approach to music and creativity which has spawned their remarkable debut album, the aptly titled Whatever It Is. Joseph and company have created a contemporary throwback to a vibrant era with a set of songs that establish the collective’s exquisite harmonies and colourful instrumentation. 

Hello Forever’s music is inextricable with the lifestyle and spiritual goals of its participants, a revolving membership that also includes, at various times, collaborators drummer/co-founder Andy Jimenez, Molly Pease, Jaron Crespi, Joey Briggs, Anand Darsie and Lina Kay. Walk into their communal compound and one of the first things one sees is a copy of the late Baba Ram Dass’ counter-culture classic, Be Here Now, perhaps the best description of the collective’s philosophy of life, creativity, art and music.  

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