Honey Hahs release new track 'River' with new video | THE LABEL

Honey Hahs release new track ‘River’ with new video

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Honey Hahs today release ‘River‘, the second single from their magical forthcoming debut album Dear Someone, Happy Something, which is released on Rough Trade Records September 7th. Robin of Honey Hahs explains the inspiration behind the song:

“River is about a sad film we watched that really touched us called ‘Bridge to Terabithia‘. Rowan found it hard to accept that the girl character in the film had died and writing the song made her feel better about it shomehow. When we recorded it Steve (Mackey – producer) wanted lots of percussion so Sylvie got to use a huge drum and I played a glockenspiel. Really Fun!!” 

Watch the official video for ‘River’ below.

Honey Hahs are three sisters from Peckham in South London, aged 16, 13 and 11. Their songs convey a disarmingly frank, refreshingly clear view of the world. The album demonstrates their wildly creative approach to making music and includes influences as diverse as Michael Jackson and The Children of Sunshine. Honey Hahs have been championed by, and played shows with Goat Girl, Fat White Family, Insecure Men, Shame, Micachu and The Moonlandingz amongst others. ‘Dear Someone, Happy Something’ was produced by Steve Mackey (Pulp).

Rowan plays guitar and piano, Robin plays bass and Sylvie plays drums, and they all sing and harmonise.

“Don’t get too hung up on how old the people who made this record are: these songs speak to a spirit that is inside all of us – it’s just that it sometimes gets buried by age. It’s nice to be reminded of this time-honoured truth: the Youth will save us!” Jarvis Cocker


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