Lawrence Arabia releases penultimate single no.11 'Oppositional Democracy' | THE LABEL

Lawrence Arabia releases penultimate single no.11 ‘Oppositional Democracy’

1 min read

Lawrence Arabia’s Singles Club

One of New Zealand’s most acclaimed songwriters returns to releasing music, but in a new way. Feeling strangled by music industry release norms of premieres, deadlines and embargoes on his music, Lawrence Arabia (James Milne) decided to take a step closer to his fans, sending them his new music as he makes it.

Listen: Lawrence Arabia’s ‘Oppositional Democracy’

Lawrence Arabia delivers another glorious epic pop gem invoking the best of the 60’s, laced with the familiar humour that he is well known and much loved for.

Milne lets out a near sigh with the release of the penultimate track in this epic journey of releasing one song per month for an entire year. “This process is coming to a close and my brain is changing gear into planning ways to tour the record and making sure there’s a record to tour. Really excited to play this music to you somewhere. One month to go!…


Vocals, piano, bass, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, synths, handclaps – Lawrence Arabia
Drums – Elroy Finn

Produced and engineered by Lawrence Arabia at Wall Of Shit
Piano engineered by Paddy Hill at Roundhead
Mixed and mastered by James Dansey

Oppositional Democracy on iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube and Bandcamp.

Lawrence Arabia Online:







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