Lawrence Arabia shares 'A Little Hate' 4th single from Lawrence Arabia's Singles Club | THE LABEL
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Lawrence Arabia shares ‘A Little Hate’ 4th single from Lawrence Arabia’s Singles Club

4 mins read

One of New Zealand’s most acclaimed songwriters returns to releasing music, but in a new way. Feeling  strangled by music industry release norms of premieres, deadlines and embargoes on his music, Lawrence Arabia decided to take a step closer to his fans sending them his new music as he makes it.

Fans are still able to join the Singles Club for early access here:

The rest of us just need to wait for a few weeks until the wheels of industry have churned the new music through its machinery, which for Single No.4 – is today!

Welcome to ‘A Little Hate’ with Heather Mansfield (The Brunettes) on shared vocals and Liam Finn on drums.

Kind of an aggro driving song about internet trolls.


A little hate today
A little hate today
A little hate today
Is my kind of fun
Don’t be afraid to play
with your adolescent rage
some anonymous hate
is what I live for
Your kiss on the lip of a paper cup
The cold chill you feel in an empty mall
The warm light on the back of your eyelids glow
You’ll never know
I’m in a negative phase
Having a shitty day
Feel the heat of my takes
Going to have me some blood
Dicks always to the fore
Dicks always to the fore
Dicks always to the fore
Dicks always to the fore
That’s how life will be herein.

Production Notes:

Mercifully, this was one of those songs that didn’t ever really descend into a bitter wrestling match with the muse.

I made the first demo sometime in late 2017, and apart from not having the middle section and last verse, it pretty much came out as you hear it. Drum machine and horrible distorted guitar was the gist.

Once I’d completed the horrendously difficult “One Unique Creature,” I asked Liam Finn to record a real drum part at his place in Los Angeles which came out pretty darn brilliantly, and provided the basis to re-record all the original demo instruments as more of a linear performance.

All the rest of the tracking was a joy cos it meant I got to play with one of my favourite musicians and friends via magic headphones.

The one finishing touch was to ask my friend Heather Mansfield, the former singer of The Brunettes, to add her voice to mine, mostly in unison, to the whole reverby noisy mess. It just needed it!

So there you have it – “A Little Hate”.

PS, no pictures this time around, I was feeling too self-conscious, and hell, it was mostly just me sitting down looking pained…

Who is Lawrence Arabia?

Lawrence Arabia is the pseudonym of New Zealand born singer-songwriterJames Milne.
As Lawrence, James has released four solo albums since 2006, alongside more collaborative albums by The Reduction AgentsFabulous/Arabia and Barb.
James Milne has played, written and sung on records by The BrunettesConnan MockasinBic RungaNeil Finn and The Phoenix Foundation, written songs forTaika Waititi and Jemaine Clement‘s film “What We Do In The Shadows,” and co-created, acted in and scored the psychedelic comedy podcast sensation “The Mysterious Secrets Of Uncle Bertie’s Botanarium.

Lawrence Arabia Online:
Official Website:


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