Lawrence Arabia's Singles Club - Single No.8 'People Are Alright' | THE LABEL

Lawrence Arabia’s Singles Club – Single No.8 ‘People Are Alright’

2 mins read

One of New Zealand’s most acclaimed songwriters returns to releasing music, but in a new way. Feeling strangled by music industry release norms of premieres, deadlines and embargoes on his music, Lawrence Arabia (James Milne) decided to take a step closer to his fans, sending them his new music as he makes it.

Milne describes his eighth addition to the collection ‘People Are Alright’ as “a song about trying to celebrate the beauty of human life, despite all evidence to the contrary.” 

Single eight features the drumming of Elroy Finn (Wild Nothing, Neil Finn) – Lawrence himself looks after the remainder of the instrumentation on this anthem for our times.


People, they often have too much to drink,
They feel the need to stand up and fight you.
They get in your face and they ruin your day
and everything’s shit, so shit.

People, they sometimes own SUV’s,
Feeling the need to drive like an arsehole,
Filling parking space, with their German case
of seven spoiled kids, spoiled kids.

But people are alright.
Not all of them are crude and mindless,
Some are sweet and polite,
Yeah people are alright.

People, they will vote for autocrats,
All of them claiming that they’re the unlucky ones
With their flavoured vapes and their racial hate,
Looking so cut, so cut.

But people are alright.
Not everyone’s a bloody tyrant,
Some are actually quite nice,
Yeah people are alright.

‘People Are Alright’
Apple Music

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