Moana & The Tribe - releases first single from new album! | THE LABEL

Moana & The Tribe – releases first single from new album!

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*Tu is the first music video from Moana Maniapoto’s sixth album ONO. Featured artist Jani Lauzon (first nation Métis from East Cootenay Canada) was filmed on the deserted streets of Toronto during their lockdown. Tu is a celebration of the ritual of tohi, to instil insight and wisdom, implant courage and fortify the newborn against negative forces in the name of Tumatauenga, the god of war and humankind.

“Jani is an extraordinary singer. The only direction I gave was to sing in her language and to meditate on the theme of tohi,” says Moana. “She nailed it.”

Directed by Vinnie Carter, it features Moana & the Tribe haka exponent (and actor) Eds Eramiha with Moana on the Karangahape Road.

Moana comments, “Vinnie is from my tribe, Ng?ti T?wharetoa – and is a bright young talent. He did a wonderful job.

My choice in filming on the streets was to hammer home the fact that traditional pre-european Maori ritual are not something to be consigned to the past; they are alive and well in our urban centres where some M?ori parents do choose tohi as a way to mark a significant milestone for their baby. My own experience as a mother of two children born 18 years apart was my first born was baptised by a Catholic bishop in an Anglican church, while my youngest was blessed by a kaumatua of Ngati Tu wharetoa by having her head sprinkled with water while we stood by Lake Taupo and our elder Te Kanawa Pitiroi performed a karakia that connected her to ancestors, iwi and environment.

The song was produced by Paddy Free out of his Piha studio, with te reo Maori lyrics by Scotty Morrision. The video Tu was funded by Te Mangai Paho.

*apologies for the lack of macrons while we find a fix for W?rdpress!  Apparently macrons are confusing.

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