Second single released from Lawrence Arabia's Singles Club | THE LABEL

Second single released from Lawrence Arabia’s Singles Club

5 mins read

‘Everything’s Minimal’ (with Tiny Ruins) is the 2nd single to be released in the series. Sent to Singles Club members over 2 weeks ago, fans are still signing up in droves on Lawrence Arabia’s bandcamp page HERE.

Everything’s Minimal (with Tiny Ruins)
An Instagram brag rap from the perspective of a couple who have three creative, well-behaved toddlers and a collection of immaculate Danish furniture.

Listen here:
Spotify HERE
Apple Music HERE
Google Play HERE
YouTube – Below

Lawrence Arabia – Everything’s Minimal (with Tiny Ruins)

One of New Zealand’s most acclaimed songwriters returns to releasing music, but in a new way. Feeling  strangled by music industry release norms of premieres, deadlines and embargoes on his music, Lawrence Arabia decided to take a step closer to his fans sending them his new music as he makes it.

Lawrence Arabia’s Production notes:
I started writing this a few weeks ago as a kind of delicate baroque folk song. Lyrically, it was just gibberish to start with – there was no subject matter to cling onto, just a slightly more complex, gentle folk melody and chords. 

Struck by some of the exceptionally manicured lives I sometimes see on Instagram (which in general I’m trying to shun cos it can make me feel inadequate) I began to conceptualise a folk version of a brag rap approach via kind of a minimal inventory of desirable things and attributes.”

“At some point, while workshopping the structure and melody, it started mutating into a more aggressive kind of chamber-rock approach. From the get-go I was hoping to write a duet that might suit one of my favourite singers – perhaps Hollie Fullbrook might agree to be involved? And, lo she did!

A Facebook post hunting for a harpsichord turned up the great local composer and arranger Claire Cowan who had a wonderful harpsichord in her studio which she was kind enough to let me have a bit of hack at for an hour.”

Alistair Deverick once again played drums at his room in the premises of The Lab studios in Mt Eden, with some engineering help from Jonathan Bree and James Dansey, and all of the other bits and pieces were done at Wall of Shit, the studio that James Dansey and I share in Eden Terrace. Simon Gooding finished the mix and master at Roundhead Studios.

Vocals, bass, piano, harpsichord, autoharp, acoustic guitar, Baldwin Fun Machine –Lawrence Arabia
Vocals – Hollie Fullbrook
Drums – Alistair Deverick
Produced and engineered by Lawrence Arabia
Engineering assistance from Jonathan Bree and James Dansey
Mixed by Lawrence Arabia and Simon Gooding
Mastered by Simon Gooding

‘Everything’s Minimal (with Tiny Ruins)’
Apple Music – HERE
Spotify – HERE
YouTube –HERE
Bandcamp – HERE


Who is Lawrence Arabia?

Lawrence Arabia is the pseudonym of New Zealand born singer-songwriter James MilneAs Lawrence, James has released four solo albums since 2006, alongside more collaborative albums by The Reduction Agents, Fabulous/Arabia and Barb.

James Milne has played, written and sung on records by The Brunettes, Connan Mockasin, Bic Runga, Neil Finn and The Phoenix Foundation, written songs for Taika Waititi and Jemaine Clement‘s film “What We Do In The Shadows,” and co-created, acted in and scored the psychedelic comedy podcast sensation “The Mysterious Secrets Of Uncle Bertie’s Botanarium.

Lawrence Arabia is probably most well known for the song ‘Apple Pie Bed’ which won the APRA Silver Scroll in 2009, has featured on mega Spotify playlists, supermarket commercials and a YouTube video of a skier being towed around the streets of Raleigh, North Carolina. 

Lawrence Arabia Online:
Official Website:

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