IA is a groundbreaking band from Aotearoa/New Zealand, known for their innovative integration of traditional Māori instruments and modern musical techniques. Their music celebrates and preserves the rich heritage of Māori culture while pushing the boundaries of contemporary sound. Last week IA released their latest waiata ‘Kura Huna’, an evocative
Read MoreIA is a groundbreaking band from Aotearoa/New Zealand, known for their innovative integration of traditional Māori instruments and modern musical techniques. Their music celebrates and preserves the rich heritage of Māori culture
IA Unveils New Waiata, ‘Kura Huna’, Celebrating the Esoteric Knowledge of Generations Tāmaki Makaurau/Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand – July 12, 2024 – The innovative band IA is set to release their latest waiata