The Label FAQ

We help artists, managers, labels and promoters put the all important plan together and work to get coverage across media and relevant outlets to help promote their album, label, tour or event. With the ability and experience to provide extensive national and regional press and television coverage, commercial and non-commercial radio and on-line campaigns The Label has built its reputation on delivering fabulous results for clients.

We at The Label feel super privileged to represent some of the world’s favourite independent labels in New Zealand. In our label stable of dreams is 4AD, Rough Trade, XL Recordings, Matador, Young Turks, Secretly Canadian, Dead Oceans, Jagjaguwar, Epitaph and ANTI-. We’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to deliver successful campaigns for international mega stars Adele & SIA as well as a full spectrum of top indie acts; Queens of the Stone Age, Courtney Barnett, The xx, The National, FKA twigs, and Radiohead.

Independent local artists are an important part of what The Label does in Aotearoa New Zealand and we feel honoured to have worked campaigns for Fat Freddys Drop, Don McGlashan, Reb Fountain, Tiny Ruins, Nadia Reid, Holly Arrowsmith, Tiki, Flamingo Pier, The Datsuns, Lawrence Arabia, Ha The Unclear, Die!Die!Die! and Unknown Mortal Orchestra to name but a few!

Event publicity is an absolute favourite task and The Label has had the pleasure of working on WOMAD, (‘Best National Event of the Year’ – 2017 New Zealand Event Awards ), as well as tours for the smallest indie punk bands from Australia to mega Live Nation artists and the coveted Taite Music Prize!

Led by experienced music industry pr folk, The Label has a huge wealth of experience in the music business in New Zealand. Founder, Lisa Paris, has over 25 years experience in the industry and with a penchant for second hand shopping and  7″ records, she is passionate about delivering the best plan and the best results for client’s.

Lucy Macrae joined the company in 2014 having cut her chops at music retail, ad agencies and label PR since she was a nipper and now she is a total PR Queen. All while running one of the coolest dive bar venues in Auckland City, Whammy!.. and playing bass in the *sickest punk band, Dick Move. We honestly don’t know when she sleeps.

Publicist, Sarah Downs came to us from NZ Herald’s Viva Magazine and brings a wealth of knowledge about the print and online world of publishing. As a dedicated music fan, Sarah has soaked up the publicist’s modus operandi quickly and with her attention to detail and care for clients has delivered highly successful campaigns for Courtney Barnett, Flamingo Pier, Miles Calder and Adam Hattaway. Sarah is also an amazing artist!

K.D. Mac is the hidden gem that pulls together all of our release information for our weekly newsletter adding her wit, expertise, love and care to the process to deliver a weekly snapshot for our subscribers of what has been happening in the indie music scene. You can subscribe over in the right hand menu if you’d like to keep on top of all that.

Administrator, Gina Waghorn, is the most recent addition to the team and delivers stability and support to the publicity team. The axel that keeps the wheels turning if you like! Gina is an experienced music retailer and store manager alongside other roles including working at the Manapouri Power Plant as a tour guide!



How much do you charge?
That is really dependant on the job you need us to do for you, how intensive it is and if our timelines match up. Flick us an email with Soundcloud and YouTube links and a bit about where you are at in your musical career journey. A brief description of what you’re wanting, expecting and hoping…and please be patient in waiting for a response. If we can’t help you or its not for us, we’ll suggest a couple of other folk we know about town!

How much notice do you need for an album release job or to publicise a tour?
Ha Ha! That ol’ chestnut. You’ve probably taken as much time as you need to get the album right yeah? Care, patience? creativity?.. well, releasing an album in a way that gives it its best chance of success also takes time. It’s a process! So – rule of thumb, 12 weeks minimum! BEFORE RELEASE. Yes we’ve worked on shorter timelines than that, but sacrifices have been made…
A tour – you want to get your tour press released, at a minimum, 6 weeks in advance – and a couple of weeks for your publicist to get the tools they need to do that…

What tools do we need?
Any good publicist can help you prepare most of these, or keep an eye on these pages and we’ll share some tips how to D.I.Y.!!
A very basic pr tool kit = a bio (well written), album cover jpeg, album one sheet, press photos (there are certain requirements here with press photos so if you’re not sure – ASK!) and touring details.

Can you make me a star?
Anyone that tells you they can definitely make you a star is a sheister! WALK THE OTHER WAY!

Contact HQ for further info.