Kevin Morby releases full Oh My God film - the companion to his album | THE LABEL

Kevin Morby releases full Oh My God film – the companion to his album

4 mins read

Today, musical auteur Kevin Morby is pleased to announce the premiere of the full Oh My God film. The film, which was directed by Christopher Good and co-created by Good and Morby, was made in conjunction with Oh My God, his “dizzying and fantastic” (Paste) album released earlier this year on Dead Oceans. It will premiere today at noon via Vanity Fair, who currently have an interview up with Good and Morby. Additionally, Kevin will be participating in a live chat within the YouTube premiere that also starts at noon, while the film plays through for the first time.

Morby describes the film below.:

After I had chosen to work with director Chris Good for all three of my singles off of Oh My God, it only seemed natural to keep working and make a visual representation for the whole album. I thought it important to capture this time in my life and career. It being my 5th record, I wanted to let listeners in on some of the behind the scenes and inside my head a bit more. We set out to make something that was half documentary and half dreamscape of both my life at the time while living back in Kansas City and the subject matter of the album. 

I tend to exaggerate stories a lot of the times when I tell them, but only to do justice to what the experience felt like at the time – and that’s what I believe Chris and I have done with this film. We exaggerate and bend reality, but only in attempt to get a certain mood or feeling across. More than anything, this film was a lot of fun to make and I believe it is a lot of fun to watch. Upon completing the film I want viewers to feel like they had just fallen asleep and had a psychedelic dream while my album played in the room they were sleeping in, gently weaving itself into their dream. We made it entirely in Kansas City with Kansas citizens. Please… sit back, relax and I do hope you enjoy.


“This is easily Mr. Morby’s best record, and will be among 2019’s best indie rock offerings” – Wall Street Journal

“a secular rock record consumed by religious imagery, a pop art exploration of deep anxiety, and his most interesting work yet.” – The FADER

“In using religious language, ideas and images in Oh My God, Kevin Morby has made his own version of a holy text… only a songwriter as soft and deft as Kevin Morby could have pulled it off so charmingly.” – The 405

“[Oh My God] explores his fascination with the structure of religion, and the way it works in human lives, with more exuberance than ever before.” – Aquarium Drunkard

“an artistic achievement for Morby, [Oh My God] commendably establishes him as a mainstay in modern music.” – Under The Radar

“Morby’s most ambitious work to date, a culmination of the thematic and stylistic elements he has explored for the better part of a decade—wonder and anxiety, humour and despair, minimalist folk and gospel-infused rock—but here now sublimated and fully realized.” – Playboy

Kevin Morby Online:

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