BARTEES STRANGE shares new song ‘Xmas’


In February 2025, Bartees Strange new album Horror will be available digitally, on CD, standard black vinyl, transparent vinyl (indie retail and artist store only). Bartees Strange cut his teeth playing in hardcore bands in Washington

Lola unveils lucid trip-hop single, ‘Under’


Tāmaki Makaurau-based artist Lola unveils her latest single, ‘Under,’ an ethereal call that blends the ambient spirit of ‘90s trip-hop with desert-tinged soundscapes. Exploring the tension between yearning and uncertainty, an enduring theme in

MRCY release Volume 1 vinyl pressing


MRCY have released their debut project, VOLUME 1, on vinyl via Dead Oceans.  VOLUME 1 is a memorable introduction to the world of MRCY. Their vision of Soul through the looking-glass draws inspiration ranging